
How To

How to use YouTube to save money

Nacho Requena Molina

Nacho Requena Molina

  • Updated:

The arrival of the Internet has brought many negative things, but we think the positives outweigh them. One such positive is easy access to information for millions and millions of people around the world. You won’t become an engineer or a doctor by reading online – in fact, that’s a pretty standard issue – but you can find solutions to your everyday problems.

Today at Softonic, we’ll show you how to save money on activities you can learn to do on Youtube. In other words, a series of channels for doing simple tasks by yourself and without the need of a professional.

How to use YouTube to save money

YouTube Go Download YouTube Go
YouTube Go is a free, official app from Google that provides a variety of features that make the YouTube more bandwidth-conscious and help avoid buffering while on the go.

Learn how to do things yourself with YouTube

Set up a PC

It’s one of the most feared activities for non-techies. But thankfully, setting up a PC is more straightforward than it first seems. Good evidence of this is that there are thousands of online tutorials for undergoing this endeavor, though some are so detailed that we can only offer them a slow clap.

Of course, a professional will always know better than you (and is faster), but if you want to cut costs, paying attention to some of these videos should see you right.


One of our weaknesses. Cooking seems inaccessible at first glance, but on YouTube, there are so many cooking channels that in a few weeks, you’ll quickly learn to make some dishes that will have you licking your fingers.

Previously, Softonic put together a list of the best places on the internet for finding nice recipes, so take a look here to learn a little more.

Physical exercises

Be very careful with this one. Online, there are plenty of people who advise on physical education but don’t know anything about it. Every movement or exercise has a correct technique behind it. Doing it wrong can trigger a lot of problems, especially with your health.

Rely on sports channels where those giving advice have a degree or lots of experience in the industry. If you’re doing it right, you can even mine a cryptocurrency just by exercising alone!



Learning basic fashion concepts is possible with Youtube. There are dozens of stylists on Google’s video platform that will tell you the best outfit for every situation.

Though it may seem trivial, these types of videos may help you out in a tight spot. If you’re not so sure, check out the first video tutorial about how to tie a tie for your suit.

Practice a language

Needless to say, you won’t learn a language by just watching Youtube videos, but it might help if you’re in the process of learning one. For example, there is Alissa, a Russian woman who learned Spanish thanks to Youtube.

Language channels help to teach or strengthen knowledge of a language. Thanks to the ease of conveying information, you can learn the basics of pronunciation or grammar as if you were in an online class.

YouTube Go Download YouTube Go
YouTube Go is a free, official app from Google that provides a variety of features that make the YouTube more bandwidth-conscious and help avoid buffering while on the go.

For us, it’s a wonderful tool to enhance previously acquired skills.

What about you? What have you learned thanks to Youtube?

Nacho Requena Molina

Nacho Requena Molina

Journalist specialized in videogames and technology. Almost two decades dedicated to it.

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